VIVO 2021 Call for Proposals is now open!
Present your work and ideas at VIVO 2021
Do you help make scholarly data open, found, and consumed? Do you have fresh ideas or new work you want to share with us? We’d love to hear from you! The VIVO conference covers a broad range of topics surrounding research information systems.
As last year, VIVO 2021 will be an online, virtual conference. We encourage submissions from people who are new to the VIVO community, and formats that work well online.
Possible formats
We are planning two session lengths:
- presentations (20 minutes)
- lightning talks (6 minutes)
Your presentation or lightning talk may take the form of a demonstration (screen share in Zoom), a panel discussion, an interview, a virtual poster (single slide), a brainstorming session, an interactive survey session, or other. The lightning talk can be seen as a replacement for the poster session that will not take part this year. If you would have submitted a poster, please consider submitting your idea as a lightning talk.
Proposal and review process
- Before May 7, 2021: Share your proposal through OpenReview, where it will be publicly visible. The proposal should be submitted as an abstract of 150 - 350 words.
- Share the OpenReview link of your proposal on social media and your networks, and invite people to comment and engage.
- Keep an eye on the interactions, and reply when meaningful.
- Between date of submission and May 19: Assigned reviewers post reviews; they become visible immediately and you can react to them.
- On May 21: You are notified about acceptance.
- Until May 28 the VIVO Conference task force members decide on the final program. The program will be made available quickly on the conference website.
Archiving and DOI
The VIVO conference requires that your work be publicly available from a repository of your choice. Your repository must assign your work a DOI and must make your work open and freely available to all. We recommend your work be licensed using a Creative Commons license. Repositories that provide that will allow you to satisfy these requirements include figshare and Zenodo.
Featured topics
Focus topics and trends
- Innovating with VIVO - supporting institutional missions, addressing challenges
- VIVO interoperability with other systems - Data in, data out
- (Open) data sources for research information - opportunities, limits, applications
Ontology-related topics
- Ontologies of interest in the representation of scholarship
- Ontological communities and best practices
- Ontology development
Technical topics
- VIVO software development, technical implementation
- Visualizations, social networks, and recommendation engines
- Experiences with research systems other than VIVO
- Local extensions to VIVO
VIVO experience
- Success stories and lessons learned from institutional implementation and maintenance
- Analytics and reporting with VIVO - approaches, challenges, solutions,
- Engaging researchers - incentives, methods, outcomes
- User stories, user acceptance, information behaviour
- Use cases of Vitro outside the VIVO scenarios
- VIVO at different scales - institutional, regional, national, international
- Domain-specific VIVOs - agriculture, biomedicine, humanities, …